World Mental Health Day: Prioritizing Wellbeing for Everyone

Every year on October 10, people around the world come together to recognize World Mental Health Day—a day dedicated to raising awareness about mental health and its impact on our lives. It’s not just about addressing mental health issues; it’s about breaking down stigmas, encouraging empathy, and ensuring that everyone feels seen and supported. Mental health affects all of us and taking time to reflect on its importance helps create a world where wellbeing is prioritized just as much as physical health. 

Why October 10?

World Mental Health Day was first launched by the World Federation for Mental Health back in 1992. What started as an effort to raise awareness on a global scale has since evolved into a powerful movement, bringing attention to the mental health challenges millions of people face every day. Over the years, this day has helped spark important conversations, encourage action, and promote greater access to mental health services.

The Global Impact of Mental Health Issues

It’s no secret that mental health affects people everywhere. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, about one in every eight people worldwide lives with a mental health condition. These conditions, like depression, anxiety, and stress-related disorders can impact anyone, regardless of age, background, or circumstance. But what’s truly concerning is that mental health issues are often overlooked, and this can lead to serious consequences for individuals, families, and even entire communities. 

Some groups are especially vulnerable. People who experience systemic barriers—whether it’s due to race, socioeconomic status, or limited access to healthcare—can face additional challenges in getting the mental health support they need. For them, this day is especially important in highlighting how we can all work together to ensure everyone gets the care they deserve.

How You Can Support Mental Health and Wellbeing 

One of the best ways to make a difference on World Mental Health Day is simply by being aware and supportive. Keep an eye out for signs that someone may be struggling. Things like withdrawing from social activities, noticeable changes in mood, or persistent feelings of hopelessness might signal that someone needs help. Recognizing these signs early can make all the difference in offering support when it matters most. 

Equally important is starting conversations about mental health. Far too often, people hesitate to talk about what they’re going through because they fear judgement or feel ashamed. Creating safe spaces where people feel comfortable opening up about their mental health can help break the silence and stigma. These conversations can be simple yet powerful ways to remind others that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. 

At the same time, don’t forget to look after your own mental health. Prioritizing self-care—whether it’s through regular exercise, mindfulness practices, or taking breaks to recharge—is a crucial part of maintaining mental wellness. When we take care of ourselves, we’re better positioned to support others as well. 

Another meaningful way to get involved is by supporting mental health awareness efforts in your community. That could mean attending or organizing an event, raising awareness online, or supporting organizations that are working hard to improve access to mental health services. Every bit helps in creating a world where mental health is recognized and prioritized. 


Our Commitment to Mental Health

At Valera Health, we’re proud to be part of the ongoing movement to improve mental health care for everyone. We believe in a personalized approach that meets each individual’s unique needs with empathy and sensitivity. Whether it’s through one-on-one therapy or group sessions, we make sure no one is turned away. In 2023 alone, we provided over 260,000 mental health visits, and we’re proud that a significant portion of those visits went to patients on government-based programs like Medicaid or Medicare. 

Our diverse team of therapists reflects the communities we serve, allowing us to offer culturally competent care where patients feel seen, heard, and understood. But our commitment doesn’t stop there. We work every day to reduce the barriers that often keep people from accessing mental health care, whether those barriers are financial, cultural, or systemic. 

What You Can Do This World Mental Health Day

This World Mental Health Day, take a moment to get involved—whether it’s checking in on a friend, joining a local event, or simply sharing a message of support. Every action, big or small, helps foster a culture where mental health is openly discussed and prioritized. Together, we can create a world where everyone has access to the care they need to thrive—mentally, emotionally, and beyond.

Dealing with Imposter Syndrome: Overcoming Self-Doubt and Embracing Your Self Worth

In today’s high-pressure world, it’s all too common to feel like you’re not good enough, even when you’re crushing it. This nagging self-doubt, known as imposter syndrome, can hold you back from reaching your full potential. But here’s the thing: you’re not alone, and there are ways to quiet that inner critic. Let’s dive into understanding imposter syndrome and how you can start embracing your true worth. 

What’s the Deal with Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is that annoying voice in your head that keeps telling you you’re a fraud, even when all the evidence points to the contrary. It’s the feeling that you’ve somehow lucked into your success and that it’s only a matter of time before everyone figures out that you don’t belong. Sound familiar? You’re in good company. A vast majority of people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their lives, from recent grads to seasoned professionals. While it can affect anyone, research shows it often hits women and people of color harder. In fact, up to 75% of executive women report experiencing imposter syndrome in their careers. For many in underrepresented groups, being “the first” or “the only” can amplify these feelings, making the journey to self-confidence even more vital. 

The Hidden Costs of Feeling Like a Fraud

When imposter syndrome takes hold, it doesn’t just mess with your head—it can have real consequences on your life and career. It might stop you from speaking up in meetings, applying for that promotion, or pursuing your dreams. Over time, this constant self-doubt can lead to burnout, anxiety, and missed opportunities. Many professionals report that imposter syndrome has significantly impacted their career decisions, causing them to play it safe rather than reaching for new heights.

Recognizing the Signs 

Imposter syndrome can manifest in various ways. You might find yourself downplaying your achievements or attributing them to luck rather than skill. Perhaps you’re constantly afraid of being “found out” as incompetent, even though you consistently perform well. Overworking yourself to prove your worth is another common sign, as is having trouble accepting praise or compliments. Many people with imposter syndrome also set impossible high standards for themselves, feeling like anything less than perfection is failure. 

Strategies to Overcome Self-Doubt

Overcoming imposter syndrome starts with acknowledging your feelings. Recognizing that what you’re experiencing is common—not a character flaw—can be incredibly liberating. Once you’ve identified these feelings, challenge your thoughts. Fact-check your self-doubt by looking objectively at your accomplishments. Would you be where you are if you were really a fraud?

Celebrating your wins, both big and small, is crucial. Keep a “brag file” of your achievements to review when imposter feelings hit. Remember, no one knows everything, and that’s okay. Reframe challenges as opportunities to grow, embracing a learning mindset that sees setbacks as stepping stones. 

Don’t underestimate the power of talking about your feelings. Share your concerns with trusted friends, mentors, or a therapist. Often, voicing your thoughts can help you gain perspective and see your abilities in a new light. 

The Power of Community

One of the most potent antidotes to imposter syndrome is realizing you’re not the only one who feels this way. Joining support groups or finding a mentor can provide invaluable perspective and encouragement. Remember, even the most successful people have moments of self-doubt. Many high-profile individuals, from world leaders to celebrated artists, have spoken openly about their struggles with imposter syndrome. 

Your Worth Is Not Measured by Perfection

Embracing your worth isn’t about being perfect—it’s about recognizing your unique contributions. You’ve earned your place through hard work, and your experiences and skills are valuable, even if they differ from others’. Challenge yourself to acknowledge your achievements and be kind to yourself when you stumble. Remember, feeling uncertain doesn’t mean you’re unworthy. 

Overcoming imposter syndrome is a journey. Be patient with yourself, celebrate your progress, and keep moving forward. You belong where you are, and the world needs what only you can offer.

Strengthening Relationships with Healthy Boundaries

In today’s busy world, relationships often bring us the most joy—but they can also be a major source of stress if we’re not careful about setting boundaries. Healthy boundaries are key to keeping your balance, taking care of yourself, and staying emotionally well. By putting these in place, you’re setting yourself up for happier, more fulfilling connections without feeling drained. 

The Magic of Personal Space

Boundaries are like the invisible lines that help define where you end and someone else begins. They protect your emotional space, making sure you have the energy to enjoy your relationships without feeling totally overwhelmed. When these boundaries get blurry or ignored, it can lead to resentment, burnout, or even anxiety and depression. Putting your self-care first and making sure your boundaries are clear is the foundation for healthier, happier connections. 

When Boundaries Get Fuzzy: The Hidden Costs

When boundaries aren’t respected, it doesn’t just affect you—it can have a ripple effect on your whole community. Chronic stress from poor boundary management can lead to all sorts of health problems, like heart disease, weight gain, and mental health struggles. Certain groups, like caregivers and people in helping professions, are especially at risk. They often feel like they have to keep giving, even when it takes a toll on their own wellbeing. 

A 2022 study found more than 60% of caregivers experienced burnout because they weren’t setting enough personal boundaries. This just goes to show how important it is to be aware of the need for self-care and setting limits, especially for those of us in emotionally demanding roles.

Finding Your Groove: The Art of Boundary Setting

Knowing your limits is the first step to setting healthy boundaries. Pay attention to situations that leave you feeling wiped out or resentful—those are usually signs your boundaries are being crossed. Communication is key. Being clear about your needs and limits in a respectful but firm way helps prevent misunderstandings and lets others know where you stand. Instead of saying, “I’m too busy,” try something like, “I can’t take that on right now, but I can help out later.” 

Self-care isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s essential. Make time for activities that recharge you, whether that’s taking a walk, diving into a good book, or just enjoying some peace and quiet. This way, you keep your emotional reserves topped up and can really be there for the people who matter. And if setting boundaries is tough for you, talking to a therapist or counselor can be a game-changer. They can give you tips and strategies for keeping your relationships healthy while taking care of your own emotional wellbeing. 

Saying No and Letting Go: The Tough but Necessary Choices

It’s also important to remember that it’s ok to say no. It can feel uncomfortable, especially if you’re used to saying yes to keep the peace or avoid conflict. But saying no when something doesn’t align with your needs or values is a powerful way to honor your boundaries. Sometimes, this might mean stepping back from relationships that no longer serve you. 

Letting go of relationships that drain you or make you feel unworthy can be one of the hardest but most liberating decisions. It’s natural to want to hold on, especially if there’s a history or deep emotional connection. But clinging to something that’s no longer healthy can prevent you from growing and thriving. It’s ok to prioritize your own wellbeing, even if it means walking away. Remember, the right relationships will support and uplift you, not leave you feeling depleted. 

Your Journey to Healthier Relationships Starts Here

Healthy boundaries are the secret sauce to strong relationships. Taking steps now to figure out and set the boundaries that keep you emotionally well can lead to more balanced and satisfying connections. Remember, taking care of yourself is the first step to taking care of your relationships. When you thrive, your relationships do too. So why not start today? Whether it’s through finding the right support or simply making self-care a priority you have the power to create healthier, happier connections.

Your Journey to Healthier Relationships Starts Here

Healthy boundaries are the secret sauce to strong relationships. Taking steps now to figure out and set the boundaries that keep you emotionally well can lead to more balanced and satisfying connections. Remember, taking care of yourself is the first step to taking care of your relationships. When you thrive, your relationships do too. So why not start today? Whether it’s through finding the right support or simply making self-care a priority you have the power to create healthier, happier connections.

Building Hope and Resilience: Recognizing National Suicide Prevention Month

As we head into September, National Suicide Prevention Month, it’s a good time to shine a light on an issue that affects so many lives. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death, yet it’s often surrounded by stigma and silence. This month, we’re focused on breaking that silence, encouraging open and compassionate conversations, and spreading the word about the importance of mental health care, early intervention, and support. 

Understand the Impact

Suicide is a deeply personal and devastating public health issue, affecting people and communities across the country and taking nearly 46,000 lives each year—each one a beloved person whose loss echoes through families and communities. This heartbreaking reality highlights the urgent need to address this crisis with compassion and action. 

While suicide can impact anyone, some groups are especially vulnerable, including veterans, LGBTQ+ individuals, and those in rural areas where mental health services might be harder to come by. The pressures and isolation brought on by COVID-19 have only made these challenges worse, making it even more important to ensure that support is accessible and timely.

The Power of Prevention

Even with these challenges, there’s hope. Suicide is preventable, and early intervention can really save lives. Recognizing the warning signs—such as talking about wanting to die, withdrawing from social connections, or displaying extreme mood swings—can make a world of difference. Just as important is knowing that help is always out there; reaching out to someone who’s struggling can be a crucial step in preventing a tragedy.

During National Suicide Prevention Month, there are countless efforts to raise awareness and promote mental health care. By educating ourselves and those around us on how to recognize and respond to signs of crisis, we can create a compassionate environment that encourages people to seek the help they need. Simple acts of kindness—like checking in on a friend, listening without judgment, or reaching out to someone if you’re struggling—can make a huge difference and might even save a life.  

 Our Role in Making a Difference

 At Valera Health, we’re all about making mental health care accessible to everyone. We believe that no one should have to face mental health challenges alone, and our team is here to provide the support, resources, and care needed to get through tough times. Whether it’s individual therapy or group sessions, we’re committed to creating a safe, nurturing space where people can access the support they deserve.  

 Our approach is rooted in empathy and inclusivity, recognizing that each person’s journey is different. We tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each person, making sure everyone feels heard, understood, and valued. In 2023, we provided over 260,000 visits across ten states—proof of our commitment to breaking down barriers to mental health care.


How You Can Help

This September, we invite you to join us in raising awareness about suicide prevention. Simple acts—like checking in on a friend, sharing helpful resources on social media, or getting involved in local suicide prevention efforts—can play a part in a bigger movement that saves lives. You don’t have to be a professional to make a difference; anyone can help by fostering a culture of care and compassion. 

National Suicide Prevention Month isn’t just a time to observe; it’s a call to action. It’s a chance to have meaningful conversations, support those who might be struggling, and remind ourselves that it’s okay to reach out if we need help too. At Valera Health, we’re committed to providing inclusive, empathetic care that meets the diverse needs of our patients, ensuring that no one has to face mental health challenges alone

Let’s come together to honor National Suicide Prevention Month by committing to a future where every life is valued, every story is heard, and everyone has the support they need to thrive. Together, we can create a more compassionate world where mental health gets the attention and care it deserves.  

National Overdose Awareness Day

On August 31, communities worldwide observe National Overdose Awareness Day. This day serves as a powerful reminder of the lives affected by drug overdose and as a catalyst for change in how we approach substance use disorders. 

The Roots of Awareness

Born from a grassroots movement in Melbourne, Australia in 2001, National Overdose Awareness Day has grown into a global initiative. It gained recognition from the United Nations in 2018, solidifying its importance on the world stage. The day aims to destigmatize conversations about overdose, honor those we’ve lost, and promote life-saving prevention and intervention strategies. 

Understanding the Impact

The numbers are sobering. In the United States alone, over 100,000 lives were lost to drug overdoses in 2021. But beyond these numbers lie countless personal stories—of families torn apart, communities shaken, and potential cut short. 

Overdoses don’t discriminate. They can affect anyone, regardless of background or circumstance. By recognizing the signs of an overdose—such as shallow breathing, unresponsiveness, or discolored lips and fingertips—we can all play a role in preventing tragedy.

Taking Action 

National Overdose Awareness Day isn’t just about reflection—it’s a call to action. There are several meaningful ways you can make a difference in the fight against overdose. 

Start by educating yourself and others about overdose prevention and response; knowledge is a powerful tool in saving lives. Consider participating in or organizing local awareness events to bring your community together and spread vital information. You can also support organizations dedicated to addiction prevention and treatment, either through donations or volunteering your time. Finally, use your voice to advocate for policies that prioritize harm reduction and evidence-based treatment. Each of these actions, whether big or small, contribute to creating a more informed, compassionate, and proactive society in addressing the overdose crisis. 

Our Commitment

Here at Valera Health, we see the big picture when it comes to mental health and substance use. Our diverse team takes a holistic approach, offering personalized care through various treatment options tailored to your individual needs. We’re committed to accessibility, working with a wide range of insurance plans, including Medicaid and Medicare. At Valera, you’re more than a patient—you’re part of our community, and we’re here to support your entire journey to wellness.

A Message of Hope and Support

National Overdose Awareness Day reminds us to approach the issues of drug use and overdose with empathy and understanding. It’s an opportunity to challenge stigma, promote education, and support evidence-based solutions. 

But more importantly, it’s a time to reach out to those who are struggling. If you’re battling addiction or grieving the loss of a loved one to overdose, know that you’re not alone. At Valera Health, we have resources and support systems in place to help you through this difficult time. Our team of compassionate professionals is here to provide the care and understanding you need, whether you’re seeking treatment for addiction or support during a time of grief

This August 31, we honor multiple journeys: celebrating those in recovery, remembering lives lost, and supporting those still struggling. We stand with grieving families and commit to a future where fewer lives are cut short by overdose. Whether directly affected by addiction or looking to help, remember every action counts. Through awareness, education, and compassion, we can build a healthier, more supportive future for all.

Embracing Healing: A Compassionate Approach to Grief

As we approach National Grief Awareness Day on August 30, it’s important to recognize that grief is a universal experience that touches all our lives at some point. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or a significant life change, grief can be an overwhelming and lonely journey.  However, understanding grief and developing healthy coping strategies can make this time more manageable. 

Understanding Grief

Grief is a natural response to loss, and it shows up differently for everyone. There’s no right way to grieve, and the process doesn’t follow a linear path. You might experience a range of emotions—sadness, anger, guilt, or even relief—and these feelings can come in waves, varying in intensity over time. Recognizing that your grief journey is unique can help ease some of the pressure to “get over it” or grieve in a certain way.

Strategies for Coping

When dealing with grief, it’s crucial to allow yourself to feel and express your emotions rather than burying them. Crying, talking about your feelings, or expressing yourself through art, music, or writing can all be healthy outlets. Grief can be physically and emotionally exhausting, so prioritizing self-care is essential. Maintain a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and engage in gentle exercise. Simple activities like taking a walk or practicing deep breathing can help manage stress. 

Seeking Support

Connecting with others can be incredibly comforting, so reach out to friends, family, or join a support group. Sharing your experience with those who understand can help you feel less alone. Creating personal rituals can also help honor your loss and provide a sense of continuity. This might involve lighting a candle, visiting a meaningful place, or creating a memory box. Remember to be patient with yourself—healing takes time, and there’s no set timeline for grief. 

Supporting Others in Grief

If someone in your life is experiencing grief, your support can make all the difference. One of the most powerful things you can do is simply listen without judgment. Avoid offering unsolicited advice or trying to “fix” their pain. Instead, offer practical help, like preparing meals, running errands, or assisting with household chores. Grief doesn’t have an expiration date, so continue to check in and offer support even after the initial shock of the loss has passed. Remember important dates like holidays, anniversaries, and birthdays, as these can be particularly difficult. Reach out on these days to show you remember and care. 

Resources for the Journey

It’s important to remember that you don’t have to navigate grief alone. There are plenty of resources available for support. Many communities offer in-person and online support groups through local hospitals, hospices, or religious organizations. Professional grief counselors can provide personalized support and coping strategies. For immediate support, national organizations offer helplines. Online resources provide articles, workshops, and tools for understanding and coping with grief. Many people also find comfort and insight in books that offer valuable perspectives on the grieving process. 

For those seeking additional support, consider joining a grief therapy support group. Valera Health offers multiple virtual grief and loss group therapy sessions for individuals residing in New York and Massachusetts. These groups provide a safe space to process feelings, gain mutual support, and learn coping mechanisms to help navigate the stages of grief. Remember, professional support and community can make a significant difference in your healing journey. 

As we approach National Grief Awareness Day, let’s remember that grief is a testament to our capacity to love and form meaningful connections. While the journey through grief can be challenging, it’s important to remember that healing is possible. By implementing healthy coping strategies, seeking support when needed, and showing compassion to ourselves and others, we can navigate the complex terrain of grief and find a path forward.

Back to School: Prioritizing Mental Health for a Smooth Start


As summer fades and the crisp autumn air begins to roll in, families across the country are gearing up for back-to-school season. While this time brings excitement and new opportunities, it can also usher in stress and anxiety for both parents and students. The good news? With some mindful preparation and a focus on mental wellbeing, the transition back to school can be smoother and more positive for everyone involved. 

Creating a Nurturing Environment

The back-to-school journey is a team effort, and it starts at home. If you’ve got kids heading back to class, sharing your own school memories can be a great way to break the ice and normalize the rollercoaster of emotions that come with this transition. Those funny stories about first-day jitters or forgotten homework can help put things in perspective and even spark some laughter. 

For those hitting the books, a comfortable study space can make a world of difference. Consider carving out a cozy corner that’s quiet and clutter-free. Personalizing this space with inspiring quotes, photos of friends, or favorite artwork can transform it from a mere study nook into a motivating sanctuary. After all, when your surroundings feel good, tackling that challenging assignment becomes just a bit easier.

Routine: Your New Best Friend

Let’s face it: jumping from lazy summer days to rigid school schedules can be a huge shock to the system. That’s why easing into a routine is key. For households with school-aged kids, starting to adjust sleep schedules and daily rhythms a few weeks before school starts can help smooth the transition. Why not make it a family challenge? See who can stick to the new schedule best—a little friendly competition can make the process more fun. 

For those returning to class, having a predictable schedule might sound boring, but it can actually be liberating. It takes the guesswork out of your day and frees up mental energy for the important stuff—like acing that math test or nailing a presentation. Plus, a good routine leaves room for fun things too, which brings us to our next point… 

Making Time for What Matters 

In the whirlwind of classes, homework, and extracurriculars, it’s easy to lose sight of the things that make us who we are. Parents, this is where you can really shine! Help your kids find balance by encouraging them to keep up with their favorite hobbies or sports. Maybe even learn a new skill together—family pottery class, anyone?

For the students out there, remember that taking time for yourself isn’t selfish—it’s essential. These moments of “me time” are like little oases of calm in the busy school day desert. Whether it’s shooting hoops, strumming a guitar, or just chilling with a good book, these activities can be powerful stress busters. So go ahead, pencil in some fun.

Moving Your Way to a Clearer Mind

Speaking of stress busting, let’s talk about the power of movement for both students and parents. Whether you’re at a desk or helping with homework, staying active is a booster shot for mental wellbeing. Think of exercise as your personal mood-lifting, focus-sharpening superpower. And it doesn’t have to be fancy! A family dance party, quick bike ride around the block, or even stretching between tasks can work wonders. By finding enjoyable ways to move and making them a regular part of your routine, everyone in the house can enjoy a major improvement in overall wellbeing. So, get moving together and watch those back-to-school jitters melt away!  

Embracing the Art of Communication

Open communication is key for everyone involved during back-to-school season. Whether you’re supporting a student or navigating the halls yourself, remember that bottling up your feelings rarely helps. Create an atmosphere where concerns can be freely shared, and don’t hesitate to seek support when needed. Parents, teachers, school counselors, and friends are all part of your support network. Sometimes, just knowing there’s a listening ear available can put things into perspective and remind you that you’re not alone. Remember, asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. 

As we head into the new school year, let’s prioritize mental health. It’s ok to feel nervous or unsure—these feelings are part of the learning journey. Take a deep breath, pack your backpack, and step into the new school year with an open mind. Here’s to a year of discovery, growth, and fun!

Cheers to Friends: How to Stay Connected This International Friendship Day

Today is International Friendship Day, a perfect time to celebrate the amazing bonds we share with our friends. Friendships add so much to our lives, giving us support, joy, and a sense of belonging. Whether your friends are near or far away, keeping these connections strong is critical. 

Here are a few ways to check in with friends, enjoy time together, and stay connected—even in today’s remote world. 

Check In Regularly 

First things first, make it a habit to check in with your friends regularly. Life can get busy, and it’s easy to let time slip by without reaching out. A simple text, call, or video chat can mean a lot and show that you care. Ask your friends how they’re doing, what they’ve been up to, and share your own updates too. Genuine conversations help strengthen your bond and make your friends feel valued and supported. 

Enjoy Time Together

Spending quality time with friends is one of the best ways to stay close. Plan activities you both enjoy, whether it’s a casual coffee date, a movie night, or a weekend getaway. These moments create lasting memories and deepen your connection. Don’t forget to capture these moments with photos and share them to relive the good times!

Embrace Remote Connections

In today’s world, staying connected remotely has become paramount. While in-person meetups might not always be possible, virtual hangouts are a fantastic way to bridge the gap. Schedule regular video calls where you can catch up, play online games, watch movies together, or even have a virtual dinner party. Platforms like Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet make it easy to see each other’s faces and share experiences in real-time. 

Do Things Together, Even Apart

Shared activities are a great way to bond with friends, even if you’re apart. Start a book club where you and your friends read the same book and discuss it over a video call or in person. Try a workout session together, cook the same recipe, or take a class together. Doing these activities provides common ground and creates new memories, reinforcing your connection. 

Send Thoughtful Messages

Sometimes, a simple message can make someone’s day. Send your friends a note, a funny meme, or even a handwritten letter if you’re feeling creative. These small gestures show that you’re thinking of them and can brighten their day. Social media is also a great way to stay in touch—comment on their posts, share memories, and keep the interaction going.

Plan Future Hangouts

Having something to look forward to can make all the difference. Plan future hangouts with your friends, whether it’s a weekend getaway, a holiday gathering, or just a coffee date. Even if the plans are far off, having them in place gives you all something to anticipate and work towards. It’s a reminder that the distance is temporary and that you’ll get to enjoy each other’s company in person again. 

Be There for Each Other

Friendship is a two-way street. Make sure to be there for your friends when they need support. Whether they’re going through a tough time or celebrating a big win, your presence and encouragement mean a lot. Offer a listening ear, provide advice if they ask for it, and celebrate their successes. Being a reliable friend strengthens your bond and ensures that your friendship stays strong, even through life’s ups and downs. 


On this International Friendship Day, let’s celebrate the friends who make our lives better. Check in regularly, do fun activities together, and use both in-person and remote ways to stay connected. Remember, friendship knows no bounds. With a little effort, we can keep our bonds strong, no matter where we are. 

Recognizing BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month

As we step into July, it’s time to recognize BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month—a moment to highlight the mental health struggles and successes in Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities. Started by Bebe Moore Campbell, an author and mental health advocate, and formalized by Congress in 2008, this observance focuses on the unique challenges that underrepresented groups face in getting mental support and services.  

The Historical Context

Historically, BIPOC communities have faced significant barriers in getting mental health care. Systemic racism, cultural stigmas, and socio-economic disparities have made it tough to access crucial resources. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, only one in three Black adults who need mental health care actually get it. The same goes for Latino, Asian, and Native American communities, who also have lower rates of mental health service use compared to their white counterparts. These disparities show the urgent necessity for mental health support systems that can meet the unique needs of BIPOC individuals. 

Cultural factors also play a big role in accessing mental health care. Many BIPOC communities have strong cultural beliefs that can discourage seeking help for mental health issues, seeing them as personal weaknesses or private matters that shouldn’t be discussed outside the family. This cultural perception often keeps people from getting the care they need, making mental health disparities even worse.

The Changing Narrative

Fortunately, things are changing. More awareness and advocacy have led to better culturally competent care and resources tailored to BIPOC individuals. There’s growing recognition that mental healthcare needs to be inclusive and accessible to everyone. National initiatives and grassroots movements are working hard to break down the prejudices and barriers that have long marginalized these communities. Programs focusing on community-based mental healthcare, peer support, and blending traditional healing practices with modern therapeutic approaches are gaining traction and showing promising results.  

Mental health education and awareness campaigns are also helping change perceptions and reduce stigma. By getting communities involved in open conversations about mental health and sharing stories of resilience and recovery, these initiatives are creating a more supportive environment where people feel empowered to seek help. 

Our Commitment

Here at Valera Health, we’re committed to being part of this change. Our comprehensive treatment approach ensures we don’t turn away patients based on the severity of their conditions or their insurance status. By offering one-on-one consultations, group therapy sessions, and a range of therapeutic options, we provide a supportive environment where patients can connect, share, and heal. In 2023 alone, Valera Health provided over 260,000 visits across ten states, with a large portion of those visits serving patients on Medicaid or Medicare. These numbers underscore our dedication to breaking down financial barriers and ensuring mental healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Our diverse team of therapists reflects the communities we serve, creating a culturally competent environment where patients feel seen, understood, and valued.   

We know that mental healthcare needs to be adaptable to meet the varying needs of our diverse patient population. That’s why we constantly strive to improve our services by incorporating feedback from our patients and staying current with the latest advancements in mental healthcare. This commitment to excellence ensures we can provide the highest quality of care to those who need it most. 

How You Can Help

As we celebrate BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month, we invite you to join us in advocating for mental health equity. Whether it’s by participating in local events, supporting mental health initiatives, or simply having open conversations about mental health with your friends and family, every bit counts. Advocacy can take many forms, from volunteering with organizations that support mental health to using your platform to raise awareness about mental health issues affecting BIPOC communities. 

At Valera Health, we remain committed to providing exceptional, inclusive care. Together, we can keep changing the narrative around mental health in BIPOC communities and make sure everyone has access to the resources they need to thrive. By working together, we can create a more equitable and compassionate mental healthcare system that treats everyone with the dignity and respect they deserve. 

This July, let’s honor BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month by acknowledging the past, celebrating the progress, and committing to a future where mental healthcare is accessible to all. Through our combined efforts, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who have been historically underserved and overlooked, paving the way for a brighter, healthier future for everyone. 

Finding Your Soundtrack to Serenity on National Music Day

National Music Day is June 17, a great time to celebrate the profound impact music has on our mental health. Just like hitting the gym, jamming out to our favorite tunes can be a great way to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. That’s because when we’re grooving to our favorite beats, our brains release dopamine—a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in our feelings of pleasure and reward. This chemical reaction is just one of the many ways music can put a smile on our faces and boost our mental health. 

Ready to dive into the world of music for some mental wellness? Here are some tips to help you build your own musical haven.

Infusing Music into Your Day

Incorporating music into your routine doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. Start by finding small moments in your day to enjoy a few minutes of your favorite songs. It could be a calming melody to kick off your morning, the latest Taylor Swift hit to get you pumped for your commute, or a soothing track to help you wind down before bed. These little music breaks can make a big difference. 

Shared Musical Experiences

Music can really bring people together and create a sense of community. Need proof? Just think about swaying with the crowd at your last concert. Joining a choir, a band, or going to local music events can make music’s positive effects even stronger, giving you a sense of belonging and joy. Many cities have free or low-cost music events, especially around National Music Day, so be sure to check out local listings to see what’s on offer. Joining in these group experiences can boost your mood and help fight off feelings of loneliness. 

Finding Your Perfect Groove

It doesn’t matter what kind of music you like. Whether it’s classical, jazz, country, or pop, finding a genre that you vibe with can make your music experience more enjoyable and therapeutic. Feeling stressed? Try listening to calming instrumental tracks or nature sounds. Need a mood boost? Go for something more upbeat. Exploring different genres and finding what works for you can turn music into your own personal therapy. 

Creating a Routine that Resonates

To really feel the mental health benefits of music, consistency is key. Try to make music a regular part of your routine, whether it’s a daily listening session, a weekly jam with friends, or even a monthly visit to a live music event. Setting aside time for music can help it become a regular part of your life. Making a playlist in advance or scheduling time for musical activities will make sure you get the most out of your experience. 

The Role of Music Therapy 

If you’re looking for more structured support, music therapy might be the way to go. It’s an established field where trained music therapists use different techniques like songwriting, improvisation, and guided listening to help improve mental health. Music therapy can be especially helpful for those dealing with complex mental health issues, offering a more personalized approach. 

Embracing Music’s Healing Power

As you embark on your musical journey, remember it’s all about having fun and making connections, not worrying about being perfect. Some days you might feel like busting a move in your living room, while other times, you just need a chill, introspective listening session. The magic of music is that it meets you right where you are. As you keep rocking out, you’ll find that music becomes a special part of your self-care routine.  

Whether you’re looking to de-stress, lift your mood, or just add some extra joy to your day, music offers a path for better mental health. So, this National Music Day, crank up the volume and let music transform your mind and spirit.