Parenting Therapy Groups Can Improve Parents’ Lives & Strengthen Families

Parenting is the most significant and challenging responsibility a person can assume. Despite this, there is no formal training on how to be a parent, much less how to be a “good” one. Given there are around 63.1 million parental guardians living with children under 18, resources for parents are essential (Friedrich, 2020). One such resource is Valera Health’s Conscious Parenting Group. Read on to learn about the benefits of parenting groups and how to join one at Valera Health. 

Scientific research has shown that parenting therapy groups reduce parent stress, increase empowerment, and improve family functioning. In a study of mothers who had children with autism, researchers found participation in a parenting therapy group significantly reduced parents’ stress and distress (Izadi-Mazidi, 2015).

Another study that examined parents before and after participating in a parenting therapy group found that levels of empowerment significantly increased (Minjarez, 2013). A study that examined parents enrolled in a psychoeducation group therapy program found family functioning and child behavior significantly improved when the group was implemented (Berge, 2010). Overall, these results suggest that participation in a parenting therapy group not only will boost your experience as a parent, but will also improve the lives of your family members.

How Can Valera Health’s Conscious Parenting Group Help You

Valera Health’s Conscious Parenting Group is a coaching and parent education group focused on teaching parents mindful ways to communicate with their children. In addition to skill-building, this group also serves as a platform for support. The information provided in the group was designed to provide parents with the tools they need to move forward and create lasting positive changes within their own familial unit.

How Do I Join the Conscious Parenting Group?

If you are interested in joining Valera Health’s Conscious Parenting Group, please fill out this quick form to schedule a free consultation with a designated Health Connector. Make sure to select “group therapy” under the “What brings you to therapy today?” section. Please note that at this current time, our virtual Conscious Parenting Group is only available to those in New York. Stay tuned for more group therapy offerings from Valera Health in the future.

Works Referenced:

Berge, J. M., Law, D. D., Johnson, J., & Wells, M. G. (2010). Effectiveness of a psychoeducational parenting group on child, parent, and family behavior: a pilot study in a family practice clinic with an underserved population. Families, Systems, & Health, 28(3), 224.

Friedrich, M. (2020, December 2). Census Bureau Releases New Estimates on America’s Families and Living Arrangements. Retrieved April 18, 2023, from,2010%20to%2063.1%20million%20in 

Izadi-Mazidi, M., Riahi, F., & Khajeddin, N. (2015). Effect of cognitive behavior group therapy on parenting stress in mothers of children with autism. Iranian journal of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, 9(3).

Minjarez, Mendy Boettcher, et al. “Impact of pivotal response training group therapy on stress and empowerment in parents of children with autism.” Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 15.2 (2013): 71-78.

Introducing Valera Health’s Therapeutic Book Club

By Emily Vanderhoff & Sedell Bobcomb

Book clubs present an excellent opportunity for participants to become involved in a new form of self-care and have the potential to help them develop their social identity while learning from other book club members by engaging in dynamic conversations full of new perspectives and insights. 

Valera Health is excited to announce our latest group therapy offering, Therapeutic Book Club: Coping Between the Lines. 

Our first-ever book club group focuses on books that cover wellness, self-care and other mental health related topics. Our book club, led by Valera Health therapists Emily Vanderhoff and Sedell Bobcomb, takes a unique approach of incorporating the positive benefits of group therapy. Group therapy allows for a space to be created with therapeutic structure and the ability to develop social interaction for those who find it a place of struggle.


Additional Benefits of Book Clubs

MacGillivray, Lassiter, Sauceda & Wiggin (2019), presented in their study the correlation of a recovery book club and sociocultural theory. Sociocultural theory provides an opportunity to explore perspectives and voices while in a specific setting. This setting can then shape individual and collective beliefs, attitudes, values and aspirations and how the practices respond to place, time and challenging circumstances (MacGillivray, Lassiter, Sauceda & Wiggin, 2019).

Our First Book Club Selection

Our first book club selection is The Practice of Groundedness: A Transformative Path To Success that feeds—Not Crushes—Your Soul by best-selling author Brad Stulberg. 

In The Practice of Groundedness, Brad shares a healthier, more sustainable model for success with groundedness being at its core.  The book interwaves modern interventions such as Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with traditions from Buddhism, Stoicism, and Taoism.  He takes you on an  in depth journey of the six principles of groundedness, as well as actionable steps to live a more grounded life. 

How Do I Sign-Up for Coping Between The Lines Book Club?

Our first book club, Coping Between the Lines, offers book club members  a wide array of benefits. As a participant, you’ll experience stimulating conversation with other individuals,  gain new support and a sense of community and learn easy to incorporate skills to improve mental stability such as one minute meditations before we dive into the text and action steps to work on outside of the club based on the reading. Other benefits include creating a sense of  normalcy, support for implementing self care, and an opportunity to explore how others view the world. We welcome you to join us on Wednesdays at 6pm EST.  

To enroll in the Coping Between the Lines book club, fill out this quick form to schedule a free consultation with a designated Health Connector, or talk to your current Valera Health therapist about enrollment. Make sure to select “group therapy” under the “What brings you to therapy today?” section. Please note that at this time, this club is only available to those in New York. Stay tuned for more group therapy offerings from Valera Health in the future!

Works Referenced:

MacGillivray, L. Lassiter Ardell, A., Sauceda Curwen, M. & Wiggin. (2019). “I feel normal here”: The social functions of a book club in a residential recovery program. Journal of Language and Literacy Education. 14:2. Retrieved from:

How Nature Can Improve Your Mental Health & Wellbeing


After a long, cold winter, spring has finally sprung! Now’s the time to seize the outdoors while the weather allows for it. Not only does nature offer fresh air and stunning scenery, but it also hosts a wide range of benefits for our physical, cognitive and mental health. Read on for ideas that will help you enjoy the great outdoors while reaping the benefits of what Mother Earth has to offer.

How are nature & mental health connected? 

According to the Mental Health Foundation, “Nature can generate many many positive emotions, such as calmness, joy, and creativity and can facilitate concentration. Nature connectedness is also associated with lower levels of poor mental health, particularly lower depression and anxiety.”

Numerous studies have shown this to be true. The reverse is also known to be true—not getting enough time outside can have a negative impact on mental health.

While not recognized as an official medical condition or psychological disorder in any medical manuals such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), there is a concept known as “Nature Deficit Disorder” (NDD). Nature Deficit Disorder was first introduced by author and co-founder of Children & Nature Network, Richard Louv, in his book Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder

“I coined the phrase to serve as a description of the human costs of alienation from nature and it is not meant to be a medical diagnosis (although perhaps it should be), but as a way to talk about an urgent problem that many of us knew was growing, but had no language to describe it,” the author explains in a blog post about NDD. 

He goes on to say, “Since 2005, the number of studies of the impact of nature experience on human development has grown from a handful to nearly one thousand. This expanding body of scientific evidence suggests that nature-deficit disorder contributes to a diminished use of the senses, attention difficulties, conditions of obesity, and higher rates of emotional and physical illnesses. Research also suggests that the nature-deficit weakens ecological literacy and stewardship of the natural world. These problems are linked more broadly to what health care experts call the ‘epidemic of inactivity’ and to a devaluing of independent play. Nonetheless, we believe that society’s nature-deficit disorder can be reversed.”

Mental health benefits of being in nature include:

  • Improved mood
  • Improved cognitive functioning
  • Increased feelings of well-being
  • Decreased anxiety

Final Thoughts

Even spending just half an hour per day outside can do wonders for our mental health. If you have limited exposure to outdoor spaces or vitamin D, vitamin D light therapy through a vitamin D can help. Vitamin D lamps can also help with seasonal affective disorder (SAD). 

For more mental health tips, check out this blog post by Valera Health. If you’re interested in Valera Health’s services—including individual therapy, group therapy, psychiatry and medication management—sign up using this quick form to get connected with a designated Health Connector for a free consultation.

What You Need to Know About Alcohol Use Disorder

By Grace Hickman, Laurie Engel and Taylor Transtrum

We often get mixed messages about alcohol. Advertisements, media depictions, and social practices normalize alcohol and make it look cool. Yet, despite the risks associated with alcohol use, alcohol is the most readily available substance out there, and the most socially acceptable substance to consume. Although alcohol consumption is so normalized, those with an alcohol use disorder are heavily stigmatized.

At Valera Health, we aim to take away the barriers that prevent people with an alcohol use disorder from getting help, while providing individualized care. Read on for signs you may have an alcohol use disorder, and ways Valera Health can help you.

For those who want to begin the healing process, group therapy is an excellent avenue on the road to recovery. Read on to learn more about what trauma group therapy is, its benefits, and how to join a trauma therapy group at Valera Health.


How Do I Know if I Have Issues Around Drinking?

Contradictory messages about alcohol use and alcohol use disorder can leave people unsure whether they have issues with alcohol use and if they should get help. While every person is different, if you identify with the bullet points below, we encourage you to consider seeking help.

Signs of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD):

  • You drink more than you mean to
  • You want to stop drinking, but you can’t
  • You’ve tried to stop drinking, but weren’t able to stop
  • Drinking is taking over your life
  • When you’re not drinking, you’re thinking about drinking
  • Your drinking is getting in the way of your day-to-day activities
  • Drinking is getting in the way of your relationships
  • Drinking is getting in the way of work
  • You find yourself doing risky things while drinking that you wouldn’t otherwise do when sober
  • You know alcohol is bad for you, but you continue drinking anyway
  • You need to drink more than you used to 
  • You experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking


How Alcohol Can Affect Mental Health

Not only can alcohol use disorder cause physical issues, but it can put you at risk for severe mental health issues as well.

Excessive drinking has been shown to cause the following mental health issues:

  • Depression: Alcohol can cause depression due to the chemical changes that occur in the brain when alcohol is consumed. Long-term alcohol abuse can lead to changing chemicals in the brain, which can cause feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness.
  • Anxiety: Alcohol can cause anxiety due to withdrawal symptoms that occur when an individual stops drinking. Individuals who are dependent on alcohol may experience panic attacks, trembling, and sweating when they attempt to quit drinking.
  • Psychosis: While psychosis is often associated with other drugs, alcohol can cause psychosis as well. Psychosis, a mental health symptom characterized by losing touch with reality, can cause hallucinations, delusions and disordered thinking.
  • Suicide: Alcohol can cause depression, hopelessness, and despair, which can lead to suicidal thoughts and actions.

Mental health disorders can also result in alcohol use disorder as those suffering from these disorders tend to turn to alcohol as an unhealthy coping mechanism. Whether your alcohol use disorder is causing mental health issues, or preexisting mental health conditions are why you turn to alcohol, therapy can help you replace your alcohol use with healthy coping mechanisms.



Valera Health Can Help

At Valera Health, we have a specialized program to help patients who are dealing with co-occurring substance abuse disorders, such as alcohol use disorder, and other mental health disorders. 

Valera Health’s Co-Occurring Disorders Program offers a combination of individual and group therapy, using interventions including Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Motivational Interviewing.  Motivational interviewing helps people overcome their fears or uncertainty, encouraging patients’ goal to get sober and begin their journey to recovery.

Please note, while our Co-Occurring Disorders Program tackles mental health and substance use disorders, it is not a substitute for detoxing off of alcohol or other substances.


Therapeutic Techniques Used to Treat Substance Abuse & Addiction

Group therapy has shown to be particularly effective in addressing problematic substance use. In a study on women with substance use disorders, researchers found that involvement not only improved outcomes immediately, but also six months after group therapy (Greenfield et al., 2014). 

In addition to group therapy, motivational interviewing techniques have also been shown to be effective when addressing alcohol use disorder. In a study of individuals at a substance abuse treatment program, those who engaged in motivational interviewing therapy had less drinks and more days abstinent from drinking (Bein et al., 1993). Valera Health is pleased to offer a Motivational Interviewing Group as part of our Co-occurring Disorders Program, exclusively for patients experiencing substance use issues. In this group, clients will develop hope, confidence, and strengthen commitment. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), often referred to as the gold standard of therapy, has been shown to be effective in helping people with issues around substance use. CBT can help people struggling with alcohol addiction by teaching them to identify and monitor self-destructive thoughts and behaviors. Additionally, CBT can teach individuals to replace problematic thoughts and behaviors with more adaptive ways of thinking and skills for handling stress and difficulties. For example, in a study that examined the effectiveness of CBT among people experiencing substance abuse issues, 60% of participants remained sober for at least a year after the completion of therapy (Rawson et al., 2002).



How Do I Sign-Up for Therapy Through Valera Health?

At Valera Health we are invested in your recovery, and we have the resources to help you become the person you want to be. If you are interested in Valera Health’s services, please fill out this form to schedule a free consultation with a designated Health Connector. 

Please note that at this current time, our virtual Co-Occurring Disorder Group is only available for established Valera Health patients who are located in New York. Stay tuned for more group therapy offerings from Valera Health in the future.





Works Referenced:

Bein, T., Miller, W., & Boroughs, J. (1993). Motivational Interviewing with Alcohol Outpatients. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 21(4), 347-356. doi:10.1017/S135246580001167X

Greenfield, S. F., Sugarman, D. E., Freid, C. M., Bailey, G. L., Crisafulli, M. A., Kaufman, J. S., … & Fitzmaurice, G. M. (2014). Group therapy for women with substance use disorders: Results from the Women’s Recovery Group Study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 142, 245-253.

Rawson RA, Huber A, McCann M, et al. A comparison of contingency management and cognitive-behavioral approaches during methadone maintenance treatment for cocaine dependence. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2002;59(9):817-824. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.59.9.817

10 telltale signs that your drug use has gotten out of Control. Northpoint Washington. (2017, September 24). Retrieved March 29, 2023, from 

What is Alcohol Awareness Month? (2023, January 19). Retrieved March 29, 2023, from


A Space to Heal: Why You Should Join Valera Health’s Young Adult Trauma Survivor Group



As research on post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and trauma-related conditions has advanced, it’s come to light that most people will have at least one traumatic experience within their lifetime. Therefore, issues about encountering trauma are no longer a question of “if?” but a question of “when?” 

For those who want to begin the healing process, group therapy is an excellent avenue on the road to recovery. Read on to learn more about what trauma group therapy is, its benefits, and how to join a trauma therapy group at Valera Health.


Why should I seek treatment for my trauma?

Trying to suppress unwanted thoughts and feelings about a traumatic experience is like holding a beach ball underwater. At first, keeping the beach ball under control seems simple enough, and the water around you is unperturbed. However, at some point your hand will get tired and that beach ball will come rocketing out of the water, disturbing everything around it. Leaving trauma untreated is similar, and soon enough your life may become chaotic once you can no longer suppress emotions. It is for this reason that addressing trauma in a therapeutic setting is important, and trauma group therapy can be an excellent way to move beyond coping, and embrace healing.


Does group therapy for trauma work?

When most people think of trauma, they think of veterans returning from war. After all, this is the population in which PTSD was first discovered. In a study of Vietnam war veterans, group therapy reduced veterans’ experiences of numbness and avoidance, two hallmark symptoms of trauma (Schnurr et al., 2003). The effectiveness of group therapy for trauma is not limited to just those who have served in the military. One study that examined the effectiveness of group therapy among sexual assault survivors found that participants’ experiences significantly improved after engaging with group therapy (Resick et al., 1988).


How can Valera Health’s Young Adult Trauma Survivor Group help me?

If you have experienced a traumatic event and need help on your path to recovery, consider joining Valera’s Young Adult Trauma Survivor Group. In this trauma group designed for young adults (ages 18-25), participants learn about trauma responses and how to build coping skills around their individual trauma responses.

Participants will learn:

  • Self-validation techniques
  • How to address triggers
  • Grounding techniques for dissociation and fight or flight responses
  • How to reframe cognitive distortions and negative thoughts
  • Basic self-care and mindfulness
  • The basics of journaling
  • How to discuss trauma with family and partners
  • Discussing relationship needs and difficulties around sex


This group is perfect for participants who are comfortable being in a space where people share their trauma. This group was specifically designed for people who have experienced sexual trauma and/or relationship trauma and is led by Jovi Lombardo, LMSW, a clinician who has experience working with patients who have encountered trauma.



If you are interested in joining Valera Health’s Young Adult Trauma Survivor Group, please fill out this quick form to schedule a free consultation with a designated Health Connector. Make sure to select “group therapy” under the “What brings you to therapy today?” section. Please note that at this current time, our virtual Young Adult Trauma Survivor Group is only available to those in New York. Stay tuned for more group therapy offerings from Valera Health in the future.





Works Referenced:

Foy, D. W., Eriksson, C. B., & Trice, G. A. (2001). Introduction to group interventions for trauma survivors. Group Dynamics: Theory, research, and practice, 5(4), 246.

Resick, P. A., Jordan, C. G., Girelli, S. A., Hutter, C. K., & Marhoefer-Dvorak, S. (1988). A comparative outcome study of behavioral group therapy for sexual assault victims. Behavior Therapy, 19(3), 385-401.

Schnurr, P. P., Friedman, M. J., Foy, D. W., Shea, M. T., Hsieh, F. Y., Lavori, P. W., … & Bernardy, N. C. (2003). Randomized trial of trauma-focused group therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: Results from a Department of Veterans Affairs cooperative study. Archives of general psychiatry, 60(5), 481-489.

The butterfly woman. HHRI. (2022, February 15). Retrieved March 10, 2023, from


Understanding Self-Harm & Helping Those In Need

Written By: Emily Vanderhoff, LMSW

Edited By: Dana Reszutek, LMSW, and Taylor Transtrum

Have you ever been in an environment that made you feel uncomfortable or caused you feelings of immediate fear, anger or a sense of danger? What thoughts go through your mind when in that environment? To some, we can easily remove ourselves from that environment and know we are safe. This is not always the case when our survival responses to healthy coping skills are not utilized. In many cases, non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) can be our response. In fact, in a 2015 study published in the American Journal of Public Health, it was found that self-injury was common among American adolescents—with 1 in 10 high-school aged boys and 1-4 high-school aged girls in a given year. Read on to learn more about what self-harm is, how to help-others who self-harm, and how to get help for ourselves with self-harm.

What is self-harm/self-injury?

In psychology, non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is seen as a behavioral response to upsetting feelings when a person feels no other coping skills are useful. Self-injury/self-harm is used at times to dissociate or distract from the true emotional pain present.  NSSI involves a person hurting themselves on purpose. One reason people participate in self-harm is if they feel as if they are either emotionally numb, or are experiencing extreme emotions outside of their control, and want to be able to feel a sense of control over what they are going through.

Common forms of self-harm include:

  • Cutting self with a sharp object
  • Burning yourself
  • Pulling out hair (this can include eyebrows and eyelashes)
  • Picking at wounds to prevent healing
  • Breaking bones
  • Inserting objects into one’s body
  • Hitting self with objects
  • Carving words or symbols into the skin

Self-harm is a potential risk factor or warning signs for suicidal thoughts, or suicide attempts. However, research shows there’s a direct difference between self-injury and suicidal ideations. The main difference involves someone’s true intent to die. Those who participate in self-harm or self-injury do so as a behavioral response to distress, not with the intent of ending their lives are doing so as a behavioral response.  While self-harm is prevalent among all age groups, self-harm often starts in adolescence.

How can you help someone who is self-harming?

As a caretaker or friend it can be helpful to understand warning signs or triggers of self-harm. Those who self-harm may attempt to hide their injuries with bandages, covering potential scars or bruises. Wearing long-sleeve shirts, regardless of the weather, is another common indication of self-harm. Other warning signs can involve an increase in a student skipping classes, decrease in social interactions and participation in once enjoyable activities. 

A possible warning sign of self-harm could be a friend or loved one who might have once loved to swim but no longer is comfortable wearing a bathing suit around others. Not all of these changes or warning signs correlate with self-harm. It is important to be supportive to those we worry for and provide a safe place for emotional expression, rather than accusing them of self-harm.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness provides helpful information on how someone could respond to knowing of self-harm. It is important to comfort the individual and understand the subject can be difficult to express. If you do not fully understand, allow that person to know you are there to listen. 

If you are someone or know someone who is self-harming/self-injuring, speak to an adult or medical professional. A close friend can be helpful in listening as well. 

Once the behavior is known, it is important to let the individual know they can be cared for.

Common forms of treatment include:

  • Psychotherapy – focuses on past experiences and emotions
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – focuses on recognizing negative thought patterns and increasing coping skills
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy – can help a person learn positive coping method

In some cases medications can be provided for assistance and in severe cases, hospitalization may be encouraged. 

 Sadly, there can be long-term effects of self-injury if the behavior is left untreated. This can include permanent scars or severe injury; worsening feelings of guilt, shame, or hopelessness; and damage to social relationships

Being a listener first and a helper second is key to allowing someone in need know you care.  If you or someone you know is self-harming, please reach out to an adult or medical professional for help. 

How do I get help if I self-harm?

Let a loved one and trusted individual know if you are participating in self-harm, and ask for help. The following resources are also available to those who have experienced self-harm.

Self-Harm Crisis Hotlines:

  • Self-Harm Crisis Text Line
    • Text “HOME” to 741741 to connect with a volunteer crisis counselor
    • Available 24/7
  • S.A.F.E. Alternatives
  • Boys Town National Hotline
    • Call 1-800-448-3000 to speak with a trained crisis counselor
    • Available 24/7

Emergency Resources

  • If you are experiencing a self-harm or suicidal crisis, or another mental health crisis, call 988 for help (available 24/7). 

If you or someone you know is experiencing a severe and immediate case of danger, call 911 for immediate assistance or go to a nearby emergency room.

In addition to the resources above, therapy can help address the root causes of self-harm, such as anxiety and depression, and provide us with healthy coping skills to respond to factors that lead to self-harm. To learn more about Valera Health’s virtual therapy services, request a free consultation with a designated Health Connector here or visit to learn more. Treatment services are available for those ages 6+.

Works Referenced:

(n.d). Self-harm. NAMI: National alliance on mental illness. Retrieved from:

(n.d). Understanding self-injury/self-harm. Mental Health Literacy. Retrieved from:

(n.d.). Understanding self-injury. The Jed Foundation. Retrieved from:

Hendel, H. J. (2018). Why do some people harm themselves? National Alliance on Mental Health. Retrieved from:

Monto, M.A., McRee, N., & Deryck, F.S.  Nonsuicidal self-injury among a representative sample of US adolescents, 2015. Am J Public Health. 2018 August: 108(8) 1042-1048. Retrieved from:

The Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness in a Group Setting

If you’re looking for a way to improve your mental health and wellbeing, look no further than mindfulness—a practice that involves slowing down and taking time to be in the present. There are many ways to practice mindfulness, including through Valera Health’s virtual Mindfulness Therapy Group. Read on to learn more about the benefits of practicing mindfulness.


What is Mindfulness?

It is estimated that globally, somewhere from 200 to 500 million people incorporate meditation into their lives (Smith, 2022). The prevalence of mindfulness is for good reason too, as many assert that such practices have the potential to improve lives. Mindfulness is understood as a mental awareness of all sensations and perceptions relevant to the current moment. In therapeutic settings, the definition of mindfulness is expanded to include the acceptance of feelings and thoughts as they enter consciousness (Mindful, 2023).

Benefits of Mindfulness Include:

  • Learning to understand your emotions better
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Improving emotional regulation and building greater emotional resilience
  • Improving relationships
  • Improving physical health, including reducing blood pressure, having a higher quality of sleep and reducing inflammation

Mindfulness is most often practiced in the form of meditation, however it can be incorporated into movement activities, like yoga, or daily chores, like showering. Almost everybody can practice mindfulness and experience great results, especially in a group therapy setting!



Benefits of Mindfulness Group Therapy

Mindfulness group therapy has been shown to be equally as effective as what many refer to as the “gold standard of therapy”, individual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) (Sundquist et al., 2015). In a study that compared mindfulness group therapy to no therapy for patients experiencing anxiety, results showed that mindfulness group therapy significantly reduced anxiety symptoms (Kocovski et al., 2013). Mindfulness therapy can not only reduce symptoms associated with mental health struggles, but it also has been shown to decrease negative and anxious persistent thought patterns (Heeren & Philippot, 2011). 

It is clear that the benefits of mindfulness group therapy extend far beyond just awareness of the present moment. As such, Valera Health is pleased to announce its virtual Mindfulness Group. This group is led by Gigi Guarnieri, LMSW, and is geared towards teaching participants the benefits of mindfulness. This group explores several mindfulness techniques to help reduce stress, identify and verbalize emotions and thoughts, and improve overall awareness of self.



How to Join the Mindfulness Group at Valera Health

If you are interested in joining our Mindfulness Group, please fill out this quick form to schedule a consultation with a designated Health Connector. Make sure to select “group therapy” under the “What brings you to therapy today?” section. Please note that at this current time, our virtual Mindfulness Therapy Group is only available to those in New York. Stay tuned for more group therapy offerings from Valera Health in the future.


Works Referenced

Heeren, A., & Philippot, P. (2011). Changes in ruminative thinking mediate the clinical benefits of mindfulness: Preliminary findings. Mindfulness, 2, 8-13.

Kocovski, N. L., Fleming, J. E., & Rector, N. A. (2009). Mindfulness and acceptance-based group therapy for social anxiety disorder: An open trial. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 16(3), 276-289.

Miller, K. D. (2019, August 19). What is meditation therapy and what are the benefits? Retrieved February 22, 2023, from 

Smith, L. (2022, November 11). 28 meditation statistics: How many people meditate? The Good Body. Retrieved February 22, 2023, from 

Staff, M. (2023, January 6). What is mindfulness? Mindful. Retrieved February 22, 2023, from 

Sundquist, J., Lilja, Å., Palmér, K., Memon, A. A., Wang, X., Johansson, L. M., & Sundquist, K. (2015). Mindfulness group therapy in primary care patients with depression, anxiety and stress and adjustment disorders: randomized controlled trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 206(2), 128-135.

Trvst. (2023, January 19). 25 Mindfulness Facts & Statistics. TRVST World. Retrieved February 22, 2023, from

5 Ways You Can Support Someone Who is Experiencing Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a diagnosable mental health disorder that affects many people. In fact, bipolar disorder has been diagnosed in more than 2 million adults in the United States, and researchers believe the number of Americans who have bipolar disorder is even higher. However, there are things we can do to help support those who experience bipolar disorder.

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder characterized by intense mood changes, thought processes, and behaviors. The changes in mood can be intense and severe and include patterns of mania and patterns of depression. The 5 types of bipolar disorder are bipolar I, bipolar II, cyclothymic disorder, bipolar disorder “unspecified” and bipolar disorder “otherwise specified”. While there are differences among the types of bipolar disorder, they all encompass symptoms of both mania and depression.

Symptoms of mania include:

  • Racing thoughts.
  • Fast talking.
  • Decreased need for sleep.
  • Thinking and trying to do many things at one time.
  • Excessive behaviors such as eating, sex, and drug and alcohol use.
  • Risky behaviors such as fast driving and overspending.
  • Feeling wired or jumpy.
  • Thoughts of grandiosity, such as thoughts about being the leader of a country and exaggerating your talents and achievements.
  • Psychosis such as hallucinations (seeing things that don’t exist) and delusions (thinking you can read other people’s minds).

Symptoms of depression include:

  • Low energy and lack of motivation.
  • Increased sleep.
  • Increased appetite and weight gain.
  • Difficulty performing normal day-to-day tasks such as showering, doing dishes, and going to work.
  • Feeling hopeless.
  • Thoughts of death and suicide.

5 Things We Can Do to Show Support

1. Remind Yourself that the Behaviors are Symptoms of a Disorder, Not A Personality Trait

Bipolar disorder can impact a person’s behavior and, oftentimes, the behaviors can present negatively. For example, excessive spending, drug and alcohol use, and difficulty adhering to work and personal responsibilities can all be symptoms of bipolar disorder. While difficult to experience and accept at times, these behaviors are not character flaws but are symptoms of a person’s mental health disorder. Work on recognizing that these behaviors are symptoms of an illness and not reflective of a person’s personality or intentions.

2. Take Care of Yourself

If you love someone or care for someone who has a mental illness such as bipolar disorder, be sure to take care of your own physical, mental, and spiritual needs. Engage in pleasurable activities, take breaks throughout your day, eat well, and get adequate rest. This can also include attending support groups and seeking therapy for yourself. You’ve heard the adage about taking care of yourself so that you can support and care for others; this is certainly true when helping someone experiencing mental illness.

3. Make a Plan for Manic Episodes

When your loved one is in a healthy emotional place (not experiencing an episode of mania or depression), discuss the plan for a manic episode. This can look like creating a schedule, identifying healthy creative outlets for energy, and helping with finances and spending. You can start the conversation by asking the person “what would be helpful to you when you notice yourself experiencing symptoms of mania” or “what can I do to help you effectively manage your symptoms when you experience a manic episode?”.

4. Discuss Bipolar Disorder

Having a non-judgmental, listening ear can help your loved one feel supported and safe to discuss any symptoms. It may also help your loved one feel more comfortable asking for help or coming to you when symptoms of a manic or depressive episode begin to occur. It can be helpful to ask the person “How have you managed your symptoms of bipolar disorder so well?” or “What can I do to help you when you are experiencing symptoms?”.

5. Validate Your Loved One’s Thoughts and Emotions

Try to remember that your loved one experiences thoughts and emotions that feel real, even if they aren’t based on facts and reality. For example, disputing the thoughts of people with bipolar disorder and telling them to calm down when they are experiencing intense emotions can escalate symptoms. Instead, try to remain calm during these situations and recognize that their reality is true to them. A validating statement can look like “I see you are experiencing strong emotions right now and that’s okay” or “it makes sense why you think or feel that way”. This normalizes and validates their internal experience (thoughts and emotions).


If you believe you may be experiencing bipolar disorder, talk to your primary care physician and discuss whether telehealth or in-person treatment is best for you. If you have thoughts of suicide, call the national suicide crisis number at 800-273-8255. If you are considering acting on your thoughts, please call 911 or go to your local emergency department to get the support you may need. Medical and mental health professionals can help you manage these symptoms. Getting help can be as easy as contacting Valera Health. We provide psychiatric and mental health telemedicine services to help you pursue your personal journey toward wellness.



5 Reasons Why Inclusivity in Mental Health is So Important

Within society, you have probably heard the terms inclusivity and diversity used more frequently, and for very good reason. Respecting the culture, ethnicity, values, ability, and religious beliefs of different groups of people benefits everyone as individuals and as members of society. This is particularly true when it comes to your physical health, mental health, and wellness.

What Do Diversity and Inclusivity Mean?

Diversity and inclusivity reference the same concept: acceptance and respect of everyone, regardless of age, skin color, physical ability, sexual orientation, religion, and gender identification. However, the terms are distinctly different. Diversity refers to a group of people with a wide range of demographic, political, philosophical, religious, and ethnic differences.

Diversity can be thought of as the “what.” Inclusion can be thought of as the action or the “how.” Inclusion refers to the action steps taken to intentionally include people of different backgrounds, ethnicities, demographics, abilities, and religious beliefs. You can think of it as including people regardless of where they come from, their physical abilities, how they identify, and what they believe while respecting and accepting them as human beings.

Why Inclusivity in Mental Health Care Is So Important?

  1. They allow you access to essential healthcare services like therapy and medication by having therapists and doctors available from various backgrounds and demographics.
  2. They encourage effective problem-solving efforts. This can mean more effective and efficient services for you and an overall better therapeutic experience.
  3. They provide you with options. Having options can help you feel empowered to make your own decisions about your healthcare.
  4. They improve employee morale. Feeling respected, accepted, and included can increase motivation and improve productivity at work. This can, in turn, improve motivation and morale, which can translate into effective therapy and patient care for you.
  5. They facilitate increased trust in the therapy room. When you feel respected, heard, and valued by your therapist, you are more willing to open up and be honest. Having a positive rapport with your therapist can help you reach your therapeutic goals.

What Do Diversity and Inclusivity Look Like in Therapy?

Talking to a professional counselor, psychologist, or therapist can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Your mind and body connection is an important part of your overall health. Incorporating diversity and inclusivity in therapy is important for effective therapy. Honoring diversity and inclusivity, as a therapist, can look as follows:

  • A willingness to learn about cultures, ethnicities, religions, and demographics that are different from their own.
  • Eliminating judgments, stereotypes, and bias through education and professional development.
  • Attending continued learning courses about inequality and social injustices that groups of people experience.

This can have a direct impact on your experience as a patient. If a therapist is nonjudgmental, doesn’t support stereotypes, and has professional education in diversity, you benefit. You may feel accepted, included, and feel more comfortable expressing yourself genuinely in therapy.

As a patient, it is of the utmost importance that you feel accepted and empowered along your therapeutic journey. Being able to choose your therapist based on your specific needs and background is important. 

How Can You Tell if You Have a Therapist who is Committed to Inclusive Care?

Having a therapist who is committed to providing inclusive care can be the key element for an effective and successful therapeutic experience. An inclusive therapist will:

  • Ask about your background, ethnicity, religious beliefs, and values that are important to you.
  • Build upon your strengths and appreciate your beliefs.
  • Engage in healthy verbal and non-verbal communication with you such as making eye contact and asking follow-up questions to clarify something you have said.
  • Show openness to receiving feedback from you to help improve communication and develop trust. They will ask you if there is anything they can do differently to make you feel more comfortable.
  • Inquire and respect your pronouns.


The experience of bias, racism, and prejudice can negatively impact your mental health. In addition, fear of  experiencing bias, prejudice, and being misunderstood is a barrier to getting mental healthcare for a lot of people . If you are experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety or perhaps your are searching  for support along your personal journey, Valera Health can help. At Valera Health, we provide comprehensive tele-mental health care that includes therapy and psychiatry services that are focused on you and your unique needs.


5 Ways the Mind and Body Are Connected and How to Use It to Your Advantage

The connection between your mind and body can’t be denied. The mind refers to the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and images that we experience. These things have an impact on your body’s physical state and well-being. You are physically affected (through body sensations and functioning) by what goes on in your mind. For example, your heart rate may increase when you experience feelings of anxiety when you have to make a speech in front of other people or when you do something for the first time.

How Does It Work?

How you think can directly affect how you feel physically, and how you feel physically can directly affect how you think and feel mentally. For example, if you have chronic back pain, you may be more vulnerable to feelings of irritability or frustration. In this instance, your body’s physical issues are affecting your feelings and thoughts.

Conversely, your thoughts and feelings can affect how you feel physically. For example, if you are constantly worrying and stressing about finances, your body responds through muscle aches and pains. It is helpful to think about your mind and body as being in constant communication with one another.

5 Ways the Mind and Body Are Connected

When you experience emotions, your brain sends signals to your body, and your body responds accordingly. Your body’s response to the brain’s signal is referred to as action urges. These urges can be unconscious, so you don’t necessarily think about how your body is responding. Also, when you experience problems with your physical body, your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are affected. Below are 5 ways your mind and body are connected.

  1. Stress and the fight or flight response: When you experience the emotion of stress, your body engages in the fight or flight response. This feels like your heart may beat right out of your chest, you are breathing so fast you can’t catch your breath, and it is difficult to move because of your muscle aches. This physical response helps us defend ourselves and avoid danger.
  2. Chronic pain and depression: Studies show that people who experience chronic pain are at risk for experiencing feelings of depression and sadness which can make it difficult to get out of bed, complete normal tasks, and feelings of hopelessness.
  3. Anxiety and eating (overeating and undereating): When you experience the emotion of anxiety, your urge may be to use food as a source of comfort to help reduce your feelings of anxiety, which can cause you to eat even when you are full. Conversely, anxiety can cause an upset stomach and other gastrointestinal issues that may contribute to a reduction in appetite, which can lead you to undereat.
  4. Anger and aggression: Anger is an emotion that exists to help protect you. Anger is part of your survival instincts, and it serves the purpose of protecting you when you are experiencing a threat to your safety. When you experience anger, the mind sends the body a message to prepare for fleeing or fighting by sending blood and other chemicals to your muscles. Clenching your fists and grinding your teeth are the body’s physical responses to the emotion of anger.
  5. Experiencing more positive emotions can improve physical health: Studies show that people who experience more happiness and joy have healthier blood sugar levels, healthier weight, have lower blood pressure, and have a reduced risk of heart disease compared to people who experience more negative emotions (anger, sadness, anxiety, fear).

How to Use It to Your Advantage

Having an awareness of your body’s physical response to your emotions can help you engage in the opposite action. Opposite action is when you act opposite of your physical urge. For example, when you experience anger and notice yourself clenching your fists, open your hands with your palms facing up. This interrupts the mind-body connection and can help reduce the intensity of your anger and prevent you from reacting to your anger. When you are experiencing depression, your urge may be to withdraw or isolate. In this case, the opposite action would be to gently approach the situation you are trying to withdraw from. For example, if your urge is to avoid going to the family get-together, the opposite action would be to go to the event, at least for a short time. Surrounding yourself with loved ones can help improve your mood and even reduce feelings of depression.

Talk to your doctor about any physical problems you may be experiencing. If you are experiencing mood or mental health issues, Valera Health can help on your personal journey with mind and body wellness. Valera Health offers psychiatric and therapeutic services through telemedicine.
