Cheers to Friends: How to Stay Connected This International Friendship Day

Today is International Friendship Day, a perfect time to celebrate the amazing bonds we share with our friends. Friendships add so much to our lives, giving us support, joy, and a sense of belonging. Whether your friends are near or far away, keeping these connections strong is critical. 

Here are a few ways to check in with friends, enjoy time together, and stay connected—even in today’s remote world. 

Check In Regularly 

First things first, make it a habit to check in with your friends regularly. Life can get busy, and it’s easy to let time slip by without reaching out. A simple text, call, or video chat can mean a lot and show that you care. Ask your friends how they’re doing, what they’ve been up to, and share your own updates too. Genuine conversations help strengthen your bond and make your friends feel valued and supported. 

Enjoy Time Together

Spending quality time with friends is one of the best ways to stay close. Plan activities you both enjoy, whether it’s a casual coffee date, a movie night, or a weekend getaway. These moments create lasting memories and deepen your connection. Don’t forget to capture these moments with photos and share them to relive the good times!

Embrace Remote Connections

In today’s world, staying connected remotely has become paramount. While in-person meetups might not always be possible, virtual hangouts are a fantastic way to bridge the gap. Schedule regular video calls where you can catch up, play online games, watch movies together, or even have a virtual dinner party. Platforms like Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet make it easy to see each other’s faces and share experiences in real-time. 

Do Things Together, Even Apart

Shared activities are a great way to bond with friends, even if you’re apart. Start a book club where you and your friends read the same book and discuss it over a video call or in person. Try a workout session together, cook the same recipe, or take a class together. Doing these activities provides common ground and creates new memories, reinforcing your connection. 

Send Thoughtful Messages

Sometimes, a simple message can make someone’s day. Send your friends a note, a funny meme, or even a handwritten letter if you’re feeling creative. These small gestures show that you’re thinking of them and can brighten their day. Social media is also a great way to stay in touch—comment on their posts, share memories, and keep the interaction going.

Plan Future Hangouts

Having something to look forward to can make all the difference. Plan future hangouts with your friends, whether it’s a weekend getaway, a holiday gathering, or just a coffee date. Even if the plans are far off, having them in place gives you all something to anticipate and work towards. It’s a reminder that the distance is temporary and that you’ll get to enjoy each other’s company in person again. 

Be There for Each Other

Friendship is a two-way street. Make sure to be there for your friends when they need support. Whether they’re going through a tough time or celebrating a big win, your presence and encouragement mean a lot. Offer a listening ear, provide advice if they ask for it, and celebrate their successes. Being a reliable friend strengthens your bond and ensures that your friendship stays strong, even through life’s ups and downs. 


On this International Friendship Day, let’s celebrate the friends who make our lives better. Check in regularly, do fun activities together, and use both in-person and remote ways to stay connected. Remember, friendship knows no bounds. With a little effort, we can keep our bonds strong, no matter where we are.